Monday, March 15, 2010


Have you ever wished that you could make a choice right now that would stick for the rest of your life? Like that you could choose to be diligent now and that would settle it for the rest of your life? Or that you could choose never to say anything unkind to anyone ever again, and voila! you never did? Well, I have. But alas, it is not to be. Reality screams each morning as I wake up that the moments of the coming day will be filled with choices. At the moment of decision, each choice will seem like an inconsequential one that doesn’t really affect much of anything. But, that too is not true. I am writing to submit to you that each choice in a day has an impact of epic proportions. Yes, epic. (and I’m speaking of choices we make in how we act, think, talk, or do. Not choices like whether we brush our teeth at night or in the morning. Although, I presume that could have epic impact as well. :P)

I suppose I should give you a little background on how I came to this conclusion. I was watching a movie. =) This movie had daring heroes, extraordinary battles, dreadful villains, and sacrificial love. It was full of intricate friendships, courage, genius, sacrifice, humor, color, grand exploits, and best of all, the will to overcome evil, even when it looked like trying to do so would be suicide. All in all, it was epic. After it was over, I started whining to God, “Whyyy can’t I be a part of something epic like thaaat? Why can’t I fight battles, save lives, and beat the bad guys?” You want to know what He told me? He told me to look around at my life and see that I was part of an epic battle. And that’s when it clicked. I was looking at the choices in my life as small insignificant decisions. But, no choice can be insignificant in the daily battle between right or wrong, light or darkness, love or hate. I was looking at my life as just one of 6 billion being lived right now. But no, my life is here and now “for such a time as this.” I was looking at myself as just a girl. But no, I am a warrior engaged in battle every day.

I am a part of something epic. And so are you. Don’t overlook the moment the Creator of all the universe has given to you now while you wait for His epic plan to transpire in your life tomorrow. His plan is taking place right now. The choices you and I make in this moment, in this often gloomy battle against a sinister foe, hold a deeper significance than we may ever know.

You’ve been forgiven.
You’ve been redeemed.
You’ve been made a warrior in the greatest battle of the ages.
Your life, your daily battles, are epic.

Live like it.